< Master index Index for chronux/spectral_analysis/helper >

Index for chronux/spectral_analysis/helper

Matlab files in this directory:

 change_row_to_columnHelper routine to transform 1d arrays into column vectors that are needed
 check_consistencyHelper routine to check consistency of data dimensions
 coherrFunction to compute lower and upper confidence intervals on the coherency
 cohmathelperHelper function called by coherency matrix computations.
 den_jackFunction to compute smooth estimates of the mean of x using locfit,
 dpsschkHelper function to calculate tapers and, if precalculated tapers are supplied,
 getfgridHelper function that gets the frequency grid associated with a given fft based computation
 getparamsHelper function to convert structure params to variables used by the
 jackknifeCompute jackknife estimates of the mean and standard deviation of input data x
 specerrFunction to compute lower and upper confidence intervals on the spectrum

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