< Master index Index for chronux/spectral_analysis/pointtimes >

Index for chronux/spectral_analysis/pointtimes

Matlab files in this directory:

 binspikesbin spikes at a specified frequency sampling i.e. sampling rate 1/sampling
 coherencyptMulti-taper coherency - point process times
 coherencysegptMulti-taper coherency computed by segmenting two univariate point processes into chunks
 cohgramptMulti-taper time-frequency coherence - two point processes given as times
 cohmatrixptMulti-taper coherency matrix - point process times
 countsigGive the program two spike data sets and one
 createdatamatptHelper function to create an event triggered matrix from a single
 extractdataptExtract segements of spike times between t(1) and t(2)
 isiCalculate the inter-spike-interval histogram
 minmaxsptimesFind the minimum and maximum of the spike times in each channel
 mtdspecgramptMulti-taper derivative time-frequency spectrum - point process times
 mtdspectrumptMulti-taper spectral derivative - point process times
 mtfftptMulti-taper fourier transform for point process given as times
 mtspecgramptMulti-taper time-frequency spectrum - point process times
 mtspecgramtrigptMulti-taper event triggered time-frequency spectrum - point process times
 mtspectrumptMulti-taper spectrum - point process times
 mtspectrumsegptMulti-taper segmented spectrum for a univariate binned point process
 mtspectrumtrigptMulti-taper time-frequency spectrum - point process times
 padNaNCreates a padded data matrix from input structural array of spike times
 psthfunction to plot trial averaged rate smoothed by

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