< Master index Index for chronux/locfit/m >

Index for chronux/locfit/m

Matlab files in this directory:

 fittedFitted values from a locfit object.
 invlinkinverse link function for locfit.
 kappa0Compute the constants for `tube-formula' based simultaneous
 lfbandadds confidence bands around the plot of a locfit() fit.
 lfguiLFGUI M-file for lfgui.fig
 lfmargcomputes grid margins from a locfit object, used for plotting.
 lfplotPlot (for one or two dimensions) a locfit() fit.
 locfitSmoothing noisy data using Local Regression and Likelihood.
 locfit_allSmoothing noisy data using Local Regression and Likelihood.
 predictInterpolate a fit produced by locfit().
 residualsResiduals (or a few other things) from a locfit() fit.
 scbSimultaneous Confidence Bands
 smooth_lfmust (unlike R smooth.lf() function) give x and y.
 spence15function for Spencer's 15-point graduation rule.
 spence21function for Spencer's 21-point graduation rule.

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