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function [x, y, orientation] = FlyTracker(filename, FrameRange,NBackFrames, opt1, sqrsize,alpha, ellipse)


  [x, y, orientation] = FlyTracker(filename, FrameRange, ...
                        NBackFrames, opt1, sqrsize,...
                        alpha, ellipse)

 This function takes an input filename for a movie and tracks the position
 of a fly from StartFrame to EndFrame.  The movie can be in any format
 (.avi, .mpg, .mp2, etc.).  The following are a list of input parameters
 and output variables.

      filename:    must be the complete string of the movie filename
      FrameRange:  range of frames to examine
      NBackFrames: number of frames in static background, used only to
                   find fly in first frame
      opt1:        'neg' or 'pos'.  This multiplies the frame data by a
                   negative sign ('neg') or not ('pos').  FindFly needs the 
                   fly to be a bright spot, so the choice of this depends on
                   the origional image.  If the original image is RGB, chances
                   are that 'neg' needs to be selected.
      sqrsize:     This is half the length of the sides of the square 
                   around the brightest spot to be used in the CM calculation
                   and the orientation  calculation.
      alpha:       This is the weighting parameter for the running
                   background.  It must be close to 1 for best results.
                   0.9 seems like a good value for this, anything less
                   seems to degrade SNR.  But for generalities sake, it
                   is still a user input parameter.
      ellipse:     parameters of the elliptical area that will be tracked

      x,y:         The x and y locations of the fly in each frame      
      orientation: A matrix containing the UHP and LHP body axis orientation 
                   angles for each frame.  UHP are in the first row, LHP are in
                   the second row.  See FlyOrient and FindFly for more


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [x, y, orientation] = FlyTracker(filename, FrameRange,...
0002                         NBackFrames, opt1, sqrsize,...
0003                         alpha, ellipse)
0006 % Usage:
0007 %  [x, y, orientation] = FlyTracker(filename, FrameRange, ...
0008 %                        NBackFrames, opt1, sqrsize,...
0009 %                        alpha, ellipse)
0010 %
0011 % This function takes an input filename for a movie and tracks the position
0012 % of a fly from StartFrame to EndFrame.  The movie can be in any format
0013 % (.avi, .mpg, .mp2, etc.).  The following are a list of input parameters
0014 % and output variables.
0015 %
0016 % Input:
0017 %      filename:    must be the complete string of the movie filename
0018 %      FrameRange:  range of frames to examine
0019 %      NBackFrames: number of frames in static background, used only to
0020 %                   find fly in first frame
0021 %      opt1:        'neg' or 'pos'.  This multiplies the frame data by a
0022 %                   negative sign ('neg') or not ('pos').  FindFly needs the
0023 %                   fly to be a bright spot, so the choice of this depends on
0024 %                   the origional image.  If the original image is RGB, chances
0025 %                   are that 'neg' needs to be selected.
0026 %      sqrsize:     This is half the length of the sides of the square
0027 %                   around the brightest spot to be used in the CM calculation
0028 %                   and the orientation  calculation.
0029 %      alpha:       This is the weighting parameter for the running
0030 %                   background.  It must be close to 1 for best results.
0031 %                   0.9 seems like a good value for this, anything less
0032 %                   seems to degrade SNR.  But for generalities sake, it
0033 %                   is still a user input parameter.
0034 %      ellipse:     parameters of the elliptical area that will be tracked
0035 %
0036 % Output:
0037 %      x,y:         The x and y locations of the fly in each frame
0038 %      orientation: A matrix containing the UHP and LHP body axis orientation
0039 %                   angles for each frame.  UHP are in the first row, LHP are in
0040 %                   the second row.  See FlyOrient and FindFly for more
0041 %                   details.
0043 % This function uses the videoReader function to input the video file into a Matlab object.
0044 % Usage on videoReader and other functions in the videoIO toolbox can be
0045 % found in the videoIO documentation.
0047 %Written by Dan Valente 8/8/07
0049 %Please note: Video indexes start at frame 0
0050 StartFrame = FrameRange(1);
0051 EndFrame = FrameRange(end);
0052 NFrames = EndFrame-StartFrame+1;
0054 %If NBackFrames is smaller than the number of frames we want to look at,
0055 % we'll just take a smaller background average using all the frames of
0056 % interest.
0057 if (NBackFrames >= NFrames)
0058     NBackFrames = NFrames;
0059 end
0061 %initialize some variables
0062 x = [];
0063 y = [];
0064 orientUHP=[];
0065 orientLHP=[];
0067 %load in video object using videoReader
0068 video = videoReader(filename);
0069 info = getinfo(video);
0070 width = info.width;
0071 height = info.height;
0073 %just prevents error if user wants to track to end, but enters the
0074 % incorrect EndFrame (recall frame index starts at 0).
0075 if (info.numFrames == EndFrame)
0076     EndFrame = EndFrame-1;
0077 elseif (info.numFrames < EndFrame)
0078     EndFrame = info.numFrames-1;
0079 end
0081 %seek to StartFrame for initial background calculation
0082 seek(video, StartFrame);
0084 mask = ellipse.mask;
0086 disp('Calculating background...')
0087 background = zeros(height, width);
0088 for bframe = 1:NBackFrames; 
0089     img = getframe(video);
0090     current = mask.*double(img(:,:,1));  %just take first color matrix and mask out unwanted portions
0091     background = background + current/NBackFrames ;
0092     next(video);
0093 end
0094 flipper = 256*ones(height, width).*mask;
0095 if (strcmp(opt1,'neg') == 1)        %make sure our fly will be a bright spot
0096     background = -background+flipper;
0097 end
0100 %seek to StartFrame for tracking
0101 seek(video,StartFrame);
0102 disp('Beginning tracking...')
0103 tic
0105 for frame = StartFrame:EndFrame
0106         disp(num2str(frame))
0107         img = getframe(video);
0108         img = mask.*double(img(:,:,1));   %just take first color matrix
0110         %make sure our fly will be a bright spot
0111         if (strcmp(opt1,'neg') == 1)   
0112             img = -img+flipper;
0113         elseif (strcmp(opt1,'pos') == 1)
0114             img = img;
0115         end
0117         % Calculate square of difference image (to reduce noise) and track
0118         temp = (img-background).^2;
0120         [x_raw y_raw bodyline sqr]=FindFly(temp,sqrsize); 
0123         %Just in case of a false track due to objects in the video that are
0124         %brighter than fly and vary over time.  We assume that these are
0125         %very far away from the fly.  One may want to change the threshold
0126         %from 100 pixels to something smaller, if need be.  Any reasonably
0127         %large number should do, and if you choose an incorrect threshold,
0128         %you can use the CleanData function to fix this.
0129         if (frame~=StartFrame)
0130             if (sqrt((x_raw-x(end))^2+(y_raw-y(end))^2) >= 100)
0131                 x_raw = x(end);
0132                 y_raw = y(end);
0133             end
0134         end
0136         x = [x x_raw];
0137         y = [y y_raw];
0138         orientUHP = [orientUHP bodyline(1)];
0139         orientLHP = [orientLHP bodyline(2)];
0140 % %
0141 %         figure(2)
0142 %         imagesc(img)
0143 %         colormap gray
0144 %         hold on
0145 %         plot(x_raw,y_raw, '.r')
0146 % %
0147 %
0148         %grab whatever the background was before the fly got there.
0149         temp = background(sqr(1):sqr(2),sqr(3):sqr(4));
0150         %update
0151         background = alpha*background+(1-alpha)*img;
0152         %make sure we only update image outside of fly
0153         background(sqr(1):sqr(2),sqr(3):sqr(4)) = temp;
0155         worked = next(video);
0156         if (worked == 0)
0157             break
0158         end
0159 end
0160 disp('Finished tracking.')
0161 disp('Have a lovely day.')
0162 toc
0164 %Now we have to make sure that the y vector is based on a coordinate
0165 %system with the origin in the lower left hand corner of the square,
0166 %for plotting purposes.
0167 y = height-y;
0169 orientation = [orientUHP;orientLHP];
0171 return; 

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